Jeu de Paume, le festival : Interview Jeanne Mercier, commissaire, pour une émancipation des imaginaires ! 7 heures ago
Dernier chapitre d’une trilogie familiale, le photographe Pierre-Elie de Pibrac en Israël (Episode 4) 22 janvier 2025
Centre Pompidou Metz : « Après la fin. Cartes pour un autre avenir » vers un sud global émancipé 7 heures ago
« Chaque vie est une histoire », 13 artistes internationaux pour lever le voile au Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration 4 jours ago
Actu Art ContemporainOtherSidePhoto Temps forts 2021 des musées des Pays-Bas : Frida Kahlo, Claude Cahun, Antony Gormley et Calder… Marie-Elisabeth De La Fresnaye18 décembre 2020 Partager Partager Temps de lecture estimé : 10minsExpérience inédite d’une conférence de presse 3D avec casque VR reçu dans sa boîte aux lettres, très avant-gardiste ! On pouvait naviguer dans les salles des collections permanentes de chaque musée tandis que les responsables nous présentaient les temps forts de l’année 2021. Des vues intérieures et extérieures comme le merveilleux parc du musée Voorlinden, l’architecture emblématique de Rem Koolhaas pour le Kunsthal de Rotterdam dans le parc des musées ou l’ensemble Art Déco du Kunstmuseum Den Haag. Voici un avant-goût de ce que vous réservent ces sept musées qui couvrent un large spectre de l’art des Pays-Bas entre tradition et modernité alors que la Rotterdam Art Week est annoncée du 4 au 7 février. Les immanquables seront : Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera et Claude Cahun au Cobra museum, Sentir dans l’art, les parfums en couleurs au Mauristhuis, la collection de nus photographiques du journaliste Wim de Jong avec We Are Animals et Calder au Kunsthal Rotterdam , Le paysage hollandais, de l’École de La Haye à Mondrian au Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Picasso-Giacometti et Antony Gormley au Voorlinden museum ou Dans la lumière de Cuyp Aelbert Cuyp & Gainsborough – Constable – Turner au Dordrechts museum. COBRA MUSEUM, Amstelveen Frida Kahlo, Self portrait with monkeys 1943 Courtesy of The Jacques and Natasha GelmanCollection of Mexican Art and the Vergel Foundation. © 2019 Banco de Mexico Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico DF c/o Pictoright Amsterdam 2020 Frida Khalo & Diego Rivera, Masterpieces from the Gelman Collection The Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection of Mexican Art together with the Dolores Olmedo Collection, is the most important collection of the work of the world-famous artist Frida Kahlo. Under the Skin, Claude Cahun This is the first retrospective in the Netherlands of the work of the French artist, activist and writer Claude Cahun (1894 – 1954). Over 70 photographs and photomontages, mainly from the Jersey Heritage Trust, will be shown in Amstelveen, along with publications and archive material. The exhibition shows how diverse, progressive and activistic Cahun’s work is. Claude Cahun Cobra Museum photo PeterTijhuis Mauristhuis, La Haye Sentir l’art dans : Volatilisés – parfums en couleurs 11 février au 6 juin 2021 An exhibition about the portrayal of smell in seventeenth-century art. Scented flowers and perfumes, foul-smelling canals and unpleasant body odours, smell and well-being, new aromas from far-away lands (spices, tobacco, coffee and tea), the disappearing smells of the bleaching fields, old crafts and more. Can life in the seventeenth century be captured in smell? How are smell (and scent) portrayed? What significance did people attach to smell? And what aromatic connotations do artworks have? In this exhibition, the Mauritshuis will undertake smell-historical research. In the vicinity of the art, various historic scents will be prepared to bring the the paintings in the exhibition to life. Van Gogh museum, Amsterdam ‘Your loving Vincent’: Van Gogh’s Greatest Letters Due to their fragility, his letters are rarely exhibited. This is a unique opportunity to see Van Gogh’s greatest letters alongside his masterpiece. Vincent van Gogh was not only a talented artist but also an avid letter writer. He wrote compelling letters about all aspects of his life: his dreams and disappointments, his love life, friendships and arguments, and about his battle with his illness. 10 ans d’acquisitions originales et leurs histoires particulières The Van Gogh Museum will present the exhibition Here to stay. A decade of remarkable acquisitions and their stories. This exhibition shows artworks acquired by the museum over the last 10 years to make the collection and its story more complete. These artworks are here to stay. The collection contains more than just work by Van Gogh, something not everyone knows. Displaying these fairly unknown and unparalleled artworks with their own stories, including those of the artists, curators, art restorers, former owners and modern-day people from Amsterdam, Here to Stay will offer a wealth of objects and perspectives. Du 5 février au 24 mai 2021 Van Gogh Inspires: Jan Robert Leegte The series Van Gogh Inspires will feature work by Dutch artist Jan Robert Leegte, in which Leegte offers a new approach to nature and landscape. Instead of the tradition of ‘plein air’ painting, as Van Gogh and his contemporaries did, Leegte uses an algorithm to explore the wilderness of the internet and to mine random photographs of nature. A partir de la mi-février 2021 Van Gogh and the Olive Groves The Van Gogh Museum and the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) will host the first exhibition dedicated to Vincent van Gogh’s important olive grove series, executed during his yearlong stay at the asylum of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Du 25 Juin au 12 septembre 2021 KUNSTMUSEUM DEN HAAG Le paysage hollandais, de l’École de La Haye à Mondrian Du 27 mars au 29 août 2021 Le paysage néerlandais est unique au monde. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’il figure sur la liste des aires protégées de l’UNESCO. Le Kunstmuseum Den Haag en conserve un ensemble exceptionnel qui est présenté au public pour la première fois en tant que tel : de l’École de La Haye à Mondrian – et au-delà. Au milieu du XIXe siècle, La Haye était le lieu de prédilection de nombreux artistes. La ville disposait non seulement d’une scène artistique florissante, avec une Académie des beaux-arts, des associations d’artistes et même un nouveau musée d’art contemporain à fonder – l’actuel Kunstmuseum – mais elle offrait aussi un magnifique paysage alentour à ceux qui avaient soif de représenter la nature. Ce groupe d’artistes désireux de se mettre à l’école de la nature se donna pour nom École de La Haye. Ce paysage typiquement hollandais, avec ses fossés rectilignes et ses allées de peupliers bordant des prés rectangulaires, ne laissait pas Mondrian insensible. Ce n’est pas un hasard si l’artiste qui révolutionna la peinture de manière si radicale, a ses racines dans un pays qui fut si patiemment façonné par la main de l’homme. KUNSTHAL ROTTERDAM Pieter de Hooch, Interior with Women in front of a Linen Cupboard, 1663, Mauritshuis, The Hague© MauritshuisWim de Jong’ s collection, Kunsthal Rotterdam For Your Eyes Only (on display) For the very first time, the nude photography collection of journalist and photography collector Wim de Jong is be shown to the public.‘For Your Eyes Only’, is featuring a selection from this remarkable collection of amateur snapshots. With women posing among the houseplants, next to the Christmas tree or in front of the fireplace; naked in the surf, on ski’s, or in the back garden. Over six hundred imaginative, charming, evocative, humorous, and often also moving, images are brought together at the Kunsthal. Youthquake, The Desire for Eternal Youth This multimedia exhibition reveals the strong influence youthfulness has on our image culture, at the hand of garments, photographs and videos. The fashion world provides excellent possibilities for being ageless – or at least for appearing to be ageless. And the desire to remain forever young is a theme that is also disseminated widely through marketing strategies and the (social) media. Project realised in collaboration with Fashion Museum Hasselt. Du 23 Janvier au 13 juin 2021 We Are Animals The exhibition features a great variety of extraordinary animal creations by contemporary artists. Works by artists such as Maurizio Cattelan, Paul McCarthy, David Shrigley and Candida Höfer showcase the relationship between human beings and animals, but above all reveal how we, as humans, are trying to look at and understand ourselves better through animals. Du 5 Février au 23 mai 2021 Magnetic North. Canadian Landscapes 1910-1940 The magic of the northern lights, idyllic expansive landscapes, and impressive panoramic views of the Arctic. Kunsthal Rotterdam will be showing examples of the majestic art of Canadian painting between 1910 and 1940 – immensely popular back home, but hardly known in the Netherlands. Du 12 Juin au 17 Octobre 2021 Calder NOW! ‘Calder NOW!’ presents a new vision on Calder’s work and his place in art history. Apart from more than twenty works by Alexander Calder, the exhibition will feature work by contemporary artists, including Olafur Eliasson, Žilvinas Kempinas, Ernesto Neto, Aki Sasamoto, and Sarah Sze. These artists are all influenced by Calder’s most important fields of interest, such as light and reflection, movement, transience, and architectural design. Du 21 Novembre 2021 au 29 Mai 2022 On display : Extra Large Tapestries from Picasso and Le Corbusier to Louise Bourgeois, Black Album / White Cube. A Journey into Art and Music, For Your Eyes Only. Nude photography in bath, woods and surf (collection of the journalist and photography collector Wim de Jong) Merlin Daleman. My Brexit 52/48. Dordrechts Museum In the light of Cuyp, Aelbert Cuyp & Gainsborough – Constable – Turner To celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of Aelbert Cuyp (1620-1691) the Dordrechts Museum is organising a large exhibition about the Dutch artist and his impact on English landscape painters. In the light of Cuyp. Aelbert Cuyp & Gainsborough – Constable – Turner will be held from 3 October 2021 to 6 March 2022. Cuyp, the master of hazy, golden evening light, is Dordrecht’s most famous painter. The exhibition will show around 30 of his most important paintings, temporarily bringing them back to the city where they were made. For the first time In the light of Cuyp will focus on the appreciation of Cuyp and his influence on British painters with over 30 works by famous artists such as Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable and J.M.W. Turner amongst others. VOORLINDEN Museum Listen to Your Eyes (on display) For this collection presentation, art collector and museum founder Joop van Caldenborgh was given the nearly impossible task of selecting his favourites from among the modern and contemporary works he has spent the past six decades collecting. The result is a visual journey of discovery that offers you a glimpse inside the mind of the collector. Antony Gormley – GROUND Du 23 Avril au 26 Septembre 2021 For the first time, an exhibition covers two thirds of the museum. This makes it the largest solo show in Voorlinden since its opening. The exhibition shows a broad selection of Antony Gormley’s art: from his early work from the 1980s to his most recent sculptures. For example, the twelve-metre-long steel work Passage will be on display for the first time in the Netherlands, in which you travel through the dark unknown. The room-filling Breathing Room will also be shown, in which you imagine yourself in a three-dimensional drawing in space. Voorlinden has a close relationship with Antony Gormley for years, who already made a sculpture for Clingenbosch sculpture garden in 1994. Picasso-Giacometti Du 16 Octobre 2021 au 13 Fevrier 2022 The exhibition proposes a chronological and thematic programme which presents the different aspects of their artistic production of the following mediums: painting, sculpture, and drawing. Project realised in collaboration with Musée national Picasso Paris et Fondation Giacometti. Organiser votre visite : Marque-page2
L'Interview Jeu de Paume, le festival : Interview Jeanne Mercier, commissaire, pour une émancipation des imaginaires ! Après « Fata Morgana », la 2ème édition du festival du Jeu de Paume confiée cette année à la commissaire Jeanne Mercier ...
News The Analog Club ouvre son premier espace dédié à la photographie argentique à Paris C’est sur le réseau social Instagram que l’aventure The Analog Club a commencé… Ce projet est né en 2016 dans le but ...
Actu Art Contemporain Centre Pompidou Metz : « Après la fin. Cartes pour un autre avenir » vers un sud global émancipé A l’invitation de Chiara Parisi, Manuel Borja-Villel déroule au Centre Pompidou-Metz une histoire archipélique de la pensée et cartographie décoloniales en rupture ...
Actu Art Contemporain « Chaque vie est une histoire », 13 artistes internationaux pour lever le voile au Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration
Jeu de Paume, le festival : Interview Jeanne Mercier, commissaire, pour une émancipation des imaginaires ! 7 heures ago
Dernier chapitre d’une trilogie familiale, le photographe Pierre-Elie de Pibrac en Israël (Episode 4) 22 janvier 2025
Centre Pompidou Metz : « Après la fin. Cartes pour un autre avenir » vers un sud global émancipé 7 heures ago
« Chaque vie est une histoire », 13 artistes internationaux pour lever le voile au Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration 4 jours ago
Jeu de Paume, le festival : Interview Jeanne Mercier, commissaire, pour une émancipation des imaginaires !